Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nerd Alert!

Since Disney is buying Lucasfilms, and there has been talk about Star Wars sequels, my nerd mind has been going at warp speed! I read a ton of expanded universe books in the Star Wars lull of 1983 to 1999. Hands down my favorite books were the Thrawn trilogy. If they could make a movie adaptation, Luke, Leia and Han would be recast. Here are some ideas:
Oh yeah, the perfect Thrawn:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bad News for Stella

Last Monday I got a call from the vet with Stella’s biopsy results. She has malignant mammary gland cancer which has very bad survival odds - 90% metastasizing rate. I was half stunned and half upset. The vet said she would call me later for treatment options. Stella has been doing amazingly well after her biopsy. Her spirits are great; she is eating as usual, and is active. I am convinced that she is the 10% with no cancer spread.

Tuesday I got the follow-up call from my vet. It was even worse news. The surgeon had cut really deep and had taken out a mammary gland in the biopsy procedure. He recommended complete removal of all the mammary glands on Stella’s right side - a procedure which will be extremely painful, will need days in the hospital, and will cost $3.300.00. That is the recommended treatment. Since the cancer is so aggressive and pervasive, cutting out as much tissue is the way to go to increase survival odds. Of course, I cannot afford that surgery and that’s when I started crying on the phone. The second option is full blood work, chest and stomach scans which will cost $1,000.00. Which I can’t afford either but is reasonably attainable. Lots of crying, feeling like I am the worst cat mom ever, and anger at the goddamn job market which has shut me out for years. I decided to research my options.

I found out that yes this cancer can be pretty deadly but there is a glimmer of hope that depends on the size of the removed tumor. If it’s under 3 cm in diameter, survival rates are much better. From what I saw, it looks like Stella ‘s tumor was 2 or 2.5 cm! Also, there are a couple grants out there that can give money for cancer treatment. I’m also promoting my fundraiser like no one’s business.

The final decision is that I’m going to wait. Stella has excellent quality of life now. I’d rather her and I enjoy that now rather than choosing to hobble her with an extensive painful procedure. If I get the grant money or fundraising help, I’ll opt for the blood work and scans. I got a bunch of great support and advice from family and friends.  Thanks! 

It’s like she knows something is up lately. She has been extra cute and snuggly. Plus, the playing with Rasputin has reached epic proportions! Both of them hopped in the empty tub one morning and basically had Feline Thunder Dome. Stella has this thing now when she’s chasing Ras, she tries to swipe his back legs out from under him. Or she runs right up to him and does nothing and lets him freak out.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why I Am Voting for Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren

I am 35 year old female with her masters, who grew up middle class, and hasn't had a full-time job with benefits for three years (and two years before that).  

I am aware of who got us into the economic mess.  No, not Bush, not Clinton nor President Obama.  It was banks, deregulation, and unmitigated greed.  I agreed with the $700 billion bailout because the alternative was complete market collapse.  It's unfortunate that due to the aforementioned problems of greed and lack of regulation, that some banks misused that bailout.  I have many gay and lesbian friends.  Their life doesn't threaten mine or take away any value from the U.S. so I am vehemently against DOMA and Don't Ask Don't Tell.  Plus, I am very proud of Massachusetts for legalizing gay marriage.  I am pro-union but I can see how auto unions almost killed Detroit.  I'm pro-union as far as protecting workers rights, but sweetening salaries and pensions is a racket I can't support.  Both my parents are educators so I greatly respect the President's accomplishments in that area such as funding dropout intervention programs.  As a woman, I am concerned with access to low cost birth control and preventive care and equal pay for equal work. I support Obamacare because I believe the Massachusetts healthcare model should be available nationwide. I am acutely aware of being spoiled with medical riches living in this state.  I knew a woman from Georgia who was put on a medication that caused a stroke right after she gave birth.  She was found hours later on the floor of her laundry room.  Now she can't hold her daughter.  That is the kind of sketchy medical care available beyond MA!

I admire Elizabeth Warren's work during the financial crisis her focus on oversight and educating consumers was a practical educated approach rather than fingering pointing and trying to get hers.  Her work on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has had a tremendously positive impact on my life.  Meanwhile Scott Brown has voted against middle class tax cuts, increasing taxes on high income individuals, and penalizing employers who pay unfairly for the same job due to gender.  He also doesn't want genetically modified foods labeled.  He doesn't believe in  any "more" regulations on financial markets.  He also believes that we are being too hard on oil companies which is raising gas prices.  He co-sponsored the Blunt Amendment.So, as an educated female who is barely clinging onto middle class, who do I believe will have my best interests at heart?  Also, who do I believe is aware of the everyday issues I struggle with?  Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren.  If you don't want a repeat of 2007 - 2008, they will steer us clear.


Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Tough Yet Progress

A couple weeks ago, I noticed Stella had a lump on her belly.  The only reason why I was able to notice was now the poor girl feels safe enough to let me pick her up.  That only took 1 ½ years…  Since the bump didn’t go away and seemed to get harder, I booked a vet appointment for this past Saturday.  Once I take the cat carrier out of the closet, Stella isn’t the poor safe kitty anymore so getting her into the carrier was a huge hassle with my hands shredded to pieces.  Used to it, I washed my hand and slapped on some band aids.  The doctor was able to get some fluid from the bump then gave me a quick and dirty analysis.  It’s definitely cancer.  The fluid was sent off for cytology.  I didn’t ask many questions because I was stunned.  Stella hasn’t been in pain and isn’t that old – 8.  In fact, she has been extra lovable and relaxed lately!  How could it be cancer?

Saturday was my freak-out day.  I went from crying over the thought of losing Stella to stressing out over how to afford her care.  Plus, it broke my heart to think of Rasputin losing his buddy.  He would be devastated!  I hate being in limbo and having no power to effect anything.  So, once I calmed down, I tried to mix equal parts denial, sending out good vibes to Stella, and pleading with God.  By Saturday night, I could not make a fist with my right hand and the entire top of my hand was angry red and swollen.  On top of everything, it appeared that I had broken my hand somehow.  My mom agreed to come over Sunday to check out my hand and drive me to the ER if needed.  After the day I had, I needed my mommy.

Sunday, my mom took one look at my hand and told me it was infected.  If you get queasy easily, skip this part.  Remember how I mentioned that Stella had clawed me up good when I was getting her into her carrier?  One of her claws got the top of my hand and apparently had some kind of bacteria.  What I had to do is sterilize a needle, work off the claw scar, and clean out any  foreign matter.  My mom applied pressure to drain it. Then we slapped on some Neosporin and a band aid.  Lo and behold, I could make a fist and my hand had deflated turning into its regular pinkish color.  So, note to self and other cat owners, clean any scratches thoroughly under running water before bandaging up.  Also, how did my mom know what to do?  She isn’t a nurse.  She just took one look and knew.  Is there a guidebook given to mothers about gross injuries?

Stella’s cytology results came back yesterday.  She has a malignant epithelial tumor which needs surgery.  The procedure is booked next Tuesday, October 9.  After the surgery, the cancer can be staged.  The blood work costs $90.00.  The surgery is $1,000.  The chest x-ray is $260.   I have opened a credit care account and started a fundraiser.  So between both of those, I hope I’ll be able to provide Stella the best care possible.