Sunday, November 25, 2012

Employment Was Nice

Just in time for my birthday, I found out that my contract assignment will not be going perm and my contract will end mid-January. I did the whole angry, freaked out, why me thing. Now, I'm applying for jobs like an insane person. In theory the economy is improving plus applying for a job when you have a job tends to be more successful.

My ultimate goal is a full-time perm job with benefits. But I am also considering cobbling together a bunch of part-time jobs to survive. Also, I have given myself until March 2013 to get the job situation squared away or I'll move in with my parents. I don't know if I have any unemployment left or I would have to open a new claim. On the up side of living with my parents, the money worries would be lessened like 60%.

I love how my current company is keeping departments so lean, the employees are working themselves ragged plus the company reported a nice quarterly profit margin. Hey CEOs, how about sacrificing some of those billions to become a job creator? Here are some of my skills so if there are any jobs out there, let me know!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sayonara Facebook!

Yup, I've deactivated my account after a couple months debating the pros vs. cons.
  • actually talking to people rather than assuming I know about their lives via pithy status updates
  • in real life, you don't have unfollow or hide update. You have to deal with people good, bad, and boring
  • no more game requests.
  • being a lot more productive and focused during the day
  • I will not be the person who checks in everywhere I go and only have half conversations with people as I scroll through my cell phone for status updates.
  • a political candidate won't hack my account to shore up "likes" and then lose the entire race. Take that Willard Mitt! I know, Facebook claims it wasn't hacking but user error. I call bullshit on that.
  • No more of Facebook's shady privacy updates, redesigns, and paranoia about who can see what about me.
  • C'mon, if your parents are on Facebook, that is a big effing neon sign!
It's sad how much Facebook took up my day. I was still composing status updates in my head today because I am sure all my rapt followers wanted to hear my opinion on this season's Walking Dead (awesome sauce). It got to the point that I wasn't getting out of it as much as I put into it. It is fitting that I left after the 2012 Election. Facebook was really great for the political season! I am free now.