Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Hobbit: Unexpectedly Hot Dwarves

Over the holiday, I saw "The Hobbit" in 3D.  Now I am annoyed all over again about how ridiculous Gimli was in the Lord of the Rings trilogy!  The dwarves in "The Hobbit" are hardened, strong, and noble.  The way they should be darn it!  Plus a couple of them are HAWT!  Oh Thorin...  Fili and Kili aren't too bad either.

I'm not a huge Tolkien nerd who screams with every change to plot-line or dialogue so I found the movie really enjoyable!  I am a nerd enough to enjoy seeing the good old Shire and Rivendell.  Martin Freeman was phenomenal as Bilbo!  He's the kind of actor who sneaks up on you with humor and physical humor then blammo he's making you weep.  

This is Thorin without the makeup:

You're welcome.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Out from Under

Since my family are probably sick of hearing about me complain, this blog post will mark an end. Just recently, I switched primary care physicians. It is very hard for me to feel comfortable and trust doctors since an old PCP ignored my stroke warning signs for years and I had a stroke. This same PCP was also unable to get my Coumadin levels correct so I didn’t have a second stroke through sheer luck.

The straw that broke my back with my recent doctor is that I have been struggling for months with exhaustion. He suspected sleep apnea so he put in the paperwork for a referral to a sleep lab. Three weeks later, I hadn’t heard anything so I call the lab, who had never gotten any paperwork, then I called my health plan, who hadn’t received anything, now I called my doctor’s office. They hadn’t submitted the referral. After my call, they submitted the wrong paperwork. So, over a month after I was made aware of the fact I might be not breathing in my sleep, I had my sleep test ( I had 27 apneas and 45 hypopneas BTW).

This isn’t the first time I had to go through a round robin of phone calls to figure out what was wrong with my medical care. When I was bedridden after my car accident, the office never called in anti-inflammatory medication. My dad was helping me out running errands and could only pick up half my prescriptions. So, I had to stay off pain medication for a good day, drag myself out of bed to pick up my medication.

My medical file was a complete wreck. Wrong birthdate, wrong height, wrong medications. Also, my doctor did not believe my allergies. I had the same goddamn conversation about how I get hives on Relafen but am fine on Advil.

I knew my old doctor was bad but once I started the wheels of switching doctors, my goodness it got much worse! The way they sent my medical files to my new doctor was cramming stacks of paper into a FedEx envelope with no rhyme or reason. I did not find out I had sleep apnea for a month even though my old doctor’s office had the report. They were outright rude to specialists I am seeing. Yes, your office doesn’t do X-rays but you do have a facility elsewhere that does them. Why can’t you say that instead of “We don’t do X-rays – CLICK.”???

On the up side, I was supposedly pre-hypertensive with old doctor guy. New doc lady – 124/72 baby! I guess my blood pressure doesn’t handle annoyance/frustration well.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

If the names Cesar Faison, Duke Lavery, Ned Ashton, and Anna Devane mean anything to you, keep reading. Guys, I cannot gush enough about how awesome General Hospital has been for the past month! So many old school characters have been brought back, I feel like I just got home from high school and am watching the show I watched when I was a teen! Last week I didn’t automatically delete episodes from my DVR. I actually rewatched them. The fast-forward button on my remote is getting a nice break! I literally squealed like a stuck pig when Ned showed up at the Quartermaine crypt to comfort his mother. He’s still hot and those dimples are scrumptious….
I started watching General Hospital with my mom when I was ten. This is right around the time of Anna and Duke’s romance. Frisco, Sean, Tiffany, and the whole WSB/DVX thing. I hazily remember some crazy lady dressed as a nun named Tonya possibly? The height of my soap obsession was the 90’s. Oh Jagger, Brenda, Karen, and Lois… I used to schedule my university classes around GH. I loved it when Carly came to town because I’m a sucker for troublemakers who knock people off their pedestals. The whole Ryan Chamberlain/Kevin evil twin thing was up my alley.

When I came back to regularly watching the show, it was horrible. Half the Quartermaines were dead, there was a fifth recast for Carly. Sonny was going on about his bitches and whores. Jason blinked and was orange. The hospital was barely shown unless someone got shot. For some reason Luke Spencer had morphed into Benny Hill along with wacky music.

I would like to say that General Hospital turned the corner into awesome once Jason was killed off. Suddenly, Sonny is only on the show once a week. Ladies over forty get scenes and are allowed to be awesome. The hospital is actually important and central! There are happy couples too. Not everything is angsty. Guys, Lucy Coe is coming back for the Nurse’s Ball! This is like a soap renaissance.