Saturday, January 27, 2018

Somewhere All Bright and New

Life has been pretty darn good lately! Don't worry, I am knocking wood and throwing salt over my shoulder as I type this. 

The new year started off very sadly with a co-worker dying suddenly. She was such a sweetheart with a smile for everyone. She gave me awesome hugs and listened.  I was a wreck for a couple days.  Other than that, I am enjoying my current work situation now.  

Sparkle Analyst is pregnant with twins due in May so between Baby Analyst and me, we are the pending Mama crew. I send links to articles or items that I know my cousins use/love.  Baby Analyst helps with styling and decor. Sparkle Analyst has mild gestational diabetes so I'm also the one who points out that she knew her body until two little people took over.  Fun fact, I thought gestational diabetes is just the stress of the pregnancy affecting the pancreas' processing of sugar but it isn't! Apparently, the baby hormones interfere with glucose processing.

A member of staffing who has been around for over a decade was fired last week. So, that was shocking.  There was no announcement or farewell. I just found out by seeing the discharge paperwork. Baby Analyst was very close with her so its another brick on the Should I Quit side of the scale for her. 

Nu Boss has been here for over a year so he needs a new name. UMass Sass Boss? Oh I love it when he declares something "garbage" or when he gets a pouty face, shakes his head and declares, "That's not our job - tough." He has an awesome sense of humor, has an open door policy, and works collaboratively.  I'm usually his second in command and when shit hits the fan, I'm the one who points out 1. How to catch the problem proactively and 2. How to assess the scope of the current disaster.  This past week's disaster is the new HR system vacation accrual program is not working as intended.

The HR Analyst team are my joy and sanity. There are four of us.  Three of them were born in 1989 so I"m the grandma born in 1976. They all sit in cubicles outside my office so listening to them joke, discuss current events, and complain is like having my own live sitcom throughout the day. "Okay, pause" and "This fool did X..." is batted back and forth all day.  I love it! Granted a couple weeks ago I wound up explaining why the Challenger accident was a big deal to them but the energy, humor, and mutual support is priceless.

I live two blocks away from the Orange line so this past month I've been taking Lyft to or from work at least twice a week. Those new train cars cannot be deployed fast enough!  One morning I had three alerts on my phone before I woke up about delays, a dead train, signal issues etc. I went downstairs and every neighbor I could see was hailing an Uber/Lyft. 

I narrowed down my list of breeders and found a place with an upcoming litter that will be available to take home in May.  I asked for a red male and put down a deposit. Here's what the kitty could look like:

I am hopeful/nervous now. But I have four months of prep to get through the nerves. I am so looking forward to the snuggles! Here are some potential names:

I've figured out how to heal clean from grief. Let every emotion happen, talk to good people, be patient with yourself, and don't avoid or stuff things down. The more you avoid/stuff, the worse you'll feel. 

My brother has moved out of our parents house finally after four years! I'm so happy for him. That house is a black hole of happiness. We used to joke when our parents sell, we'll set up lawn chairs with beers to watch the house get pulled down. I haven't seen bro's place yet but he has been sick this past week.

A ton of menfolk in my life are down with a version of the flu!  Super Boss texted me last weekend letting me know he has pneumonia and pleurisy. My brother has wicked congestion.  UMass Sass Boss sounds like Snuffleupagus. My head is a little blocked up and I have invigorating morning coughs. Roomie has been sick as well.

I had a wonderful massage a couple weeks ago that worked out so many kinks, I discovered those kinks kept nerve pain at bay! I had sciatica for the first time in twenty years. My cervical nerves were not happy either.  Now I'm all tensed up again with manageable pain.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Rolling with the Punches

They weren't kidding about this flu season!  I have been sick twice in the past month. It was all head and upper respiratory grossness.  After the congestion and cough cleared up, my ears are still plugged up and achy. I tried to rally/push through. I've used a month's worth of sick time in 2017 so I'm a little worried that will get me flagged by management.

My new therapist is pretty good and has introduced me to something I had never considered - making my own boundaries as self-care.  I've been going to family get togethers with no planned out for years and have been miserable but at least I kept up appearances. Guess what? I don't have to do that! I can show up and stay until things go south then take out a prepared excuse to leave.  My brother helped me with Christmas, figuring out the smallest amount of time I needed to be around my parents. Perfection!

My father has recovered pretty well from his heart attack and broken hip. He's still nasty to my mother, turns off his hearing aid so he doesn't have to interact with others, and has his recommended daily ounces of booze.  Over the last couple of years my dad has become a functional alcoholic. After the heart attack, he made sure he could still drink. On Christmas, his one task he assigned himself was getting glasses of Riesling ready for the family. His pants fell off as he was shuffling around the house with his walker. His nastiness found me as a new target. Prepared exit excuse deployed.

I'm still sad about Rasputin's death but it's like an undercurrent to my life. My sensory memories of him are fading. I can't remember his meow, his smell, or how it felt when he laid on me. Occasionally, I get sideswiped by remembering putting him to sleep. This is the fun side effect of PTSD - how upsetting memories affect me. I don't just have a hazy memory of something happening, I am back in my own skin while its happening having the same emotions coursing through my body. I'm pretty sure that's why I have developed panic attacks.  My body can't go from mundane daily routine to being flooded with crisis brain chemicals and back to mundane. My doctor has prescribed me Lorazepam to take occasionally.

Work has been not as frustrating lately. My group has gotten into a good groove. I have developed expertise in some key analysis/reporting which we jokingly call "job security".  The biggest annoyance is dealing with other work groups where we wonder how they are able to tie their shoes. When that happens, I have three other analysts and a great boss who I can go to and ask in disbelief "How can they not know this information?"