My actual birthday sucked goat balls granted. But the day after, more than made up for it! I wound up leaving early from work because my bosses had left around noon and no one was calling the company. I hope I won't be in trouble Monday.
So, I ran an errand to use up my Gap gift card and get clothes for the holiday party season. Very straightfoward and easy. Plus, traffic wasn't horrible that early in the day. On a whim, I tried on this dress, and it looked awesome on me so voila birthday party outfit! When I got to the checkout counter, all the computers went down so they couldn't accept credit cards. I waited for about a half hour as they slowly got through the line of customers and I had to run to an ATM to get cash to pay for my clothes. Not fun!
On top of this, I had decided to send Man pretty surfer dude a head's up email letting him know the group opinion and course of action regarding his lack of contribution. I tried to word the email plainly, with some humor, and a smidge of scolding. Of course, emails aren't the best mode of communication so he hit the roof. When I returned home from my errands, I had two emails waiting for me from him. The first one was him explaining all the "work" he had done and claiming he felt ambushed. The second was a threat to me that if the group complained about him to our professor, he will show the professor my email with derogatory comments about the class. Since I love being blackmailed, I basically told him that he needs to write something for our paper and if he wanted to solve this mess, he needed to talk to other group members. Ass! I felt so overwhelmed and stressed from the day, I called my parents. They invited me over so I got to open my presents, hear family gossip, and get my mom hooked on sudoku. I felt MUCH better!
Today was the big family Thanksgiving celebration and my brother came home so I had more presents. My mom got a huge, gorgeous cake for the extended family to celebrate my birthday. I got more presents at Thanksgiving! I was completely overwhelmed between the glasses of wine and the gifts. Man, I think I'm going to be known as the cousin whose inappropriate sense of humor busts out with a couple glasses of wine. I think I'm being profound or helpful when I suggest that someone being discussed is autistic or when I tell my male cousin about the requirements of male conversion to Judaism by asking him if he's circumsized - IN FRONT OF HIS SISTERS!
I ate too much of course but points-wise, I'm still okay but I did dip into flex. As you can see, my wishlist has been cut in half thanks to the excellent gifts I got. Now, onto figuring out how to spend my Sephora gift card... Life is tough, I know.
1 comment:
ha!! i had forgotten about that.
"Maybe he's autistic"
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