Sunday, December 16, 2007

Partying Cold

I've been battling a cold for a week and just chalked it up to too much dry heat and bitter cold. Last night I had the oddest reaction to a cold ever. Sometimes drinking booze while sick actually helps me (I think it's the Irish in me). Or there was that night of jack and cokes in college that left me without a voice for a week.

I got home last night around midnight, after a party where I had a lot of champagne punch, drank a glass of water and went to bed. My apartment wasn't cold. In fact it was probably around 65 degrees. I have a down comforter and a walking furry hot water bottle. I was absolutely freezing. My entire body was trembling so bad I pulled a muscle in my back. Rasputin was so freaked out by my chattering teeth and trembling body, he couldn't sleep next to me. The only way I was able to fall asleep was to crank the heat up to 70 and put on a fleece robe on top of my pajamas.

So, of course I woke up sweating to death. I had always heard that alcohol is the worst thing to drink if it's cold outside because it opens blood vessels so you wind up releasing heat quickly. Let me tell you, it is very scary and happens really fast!

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