March 2018 I went to the E.R. of Needham's BIDMC because I was in pain and had a bizarre thing happen with my vision and balance. It felt like the entire room tipped and my eyes kept going left and right like a possessed typewriter. I explained my situation in the E.R. was given IV fluids, gave blood, and got a CT scan of my torso (where I was having pain). Another person in a white coat came into my curtained off area asking me questions, interrupting me, not listening to my question, and leaving. I was in tears and asked the next person who came in about that lady. It turned out, she was the E.R. doc! I was released with a prescription and bullshit paperwork describing what vertigo is. Since I noticed Dr. Marcie Rubin prescribed the meds and I knew she didn't listen to me at all, I read the prescription paperwork thoroughly. It has a bad interaction with SSRIs. I have been on SSRIs since July 2005 so I threw out the medication and wrote a letter to patient relations.
I received treatment a diagnosis and treatment from Mass General Hospital. The doctor was kind, listened to me, and explained clearly.
December 2018, I had a seizure. I wound up with a ton of tests and appointments at BIDMC since my PCP is affiliated with them. I was on the patient portal a lot and noticed that my current medications and allergies were all wrong. They listed a current medication that was actually something I was allergic to. I asked Patient Relations for help in January. February rolls by with no changes. I ask again for help and was informed only doctors can change medications on their patient site. Then I asked why are patients asked to update their information before appointments if no one is doing anything with that paperwork? I asked my PCP for help. She can't help. Out of options and with no one willing to help me, I sent a letter to every specialist I've seen at BIDMC asking them to please update my medications. I got No's but I argued a No to a Yes. That yes corrected my meds on their site but messed up my dosage in a letter to my PCP about my care. On top of all this, my PCP changed their office phone number without telling any of her patients!
I'm switching my care from BIDMC because I don't trust their doctors or staff. The lack of attention to detail, people skills, and overall nastiness of employees is unacceptable. Have fun Lahey!
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