Monday, September 11, 2006

Insomnia Uncovers Excellent TV

I couldn't sleep Friday night and during my random flipping through stations, I discovered Meerkat Manor. It is addictive, funny, heartwarming and upsetting TV. Basically, the show follows a family of meerkats. Each meerkat has a name. The Mama is Flower. The Papa is Zaphod. Zaphod's mentally ill brother is Youssarian. Yup, he is mentally ill from the brain damage of being dropped on his head when he was little. In one of his crazy frenzies, he wound up killing one of Flowers grandbabies. It is seriously engrossing TV. One of Flower's children, Shakespeare, was bitten by a poisonous snake. He has hung on for a couple episodes so far. The new season starts soon and hopefully he'll still be around!

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