Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Weight Watchers Meeting Attendees: A Reaction

Generally, I enjoy attending Weight Watchers meetings. They keep me motivated, give me ideas for food and how to deal with the holidays. Overall, the people at my regular meeting are awesome. There are two people who make a big impact on the time spent in the meeting and I find myself getting annoyed by them. I don't know if they are a routine Weight Watchers phenomenon or not.

One woman is extremely slow and asks nitpicky detailed questions. Our meeting leader mentioned a good lemon pepper seasoning. This special woman insisted on finding out the brand name for the good seasoning as well as the other bad seasonings. The poor meeting leader didn't know the names and luckily distracted her by jangling keys (kidding!) Ms. Nitpick also wastes our time by grilling the group leader about the point values of certain foods. Good God, we are given a handbook and also there is a website to look up points!

The other woman didn't bug me too much until the most recent meeting. Obviously, I've had food issues all my life and I've worked out my own way to eat healthy and deal with a world full of unhealthy choices. This other woman's method is to completely remove herself from her family and holiday celebrations. To avoid the bad food, she sits in another room or leaves with an excuse of having a "migraine". No matter how many alternatives or suggestions the group gives her, she shoots them down. I'm starting to think that she wants to be a martyr and suffer for her weight loss. I can't imagine ostracizing myself by choice, especially from family. Maybe she has no confidence in her willpower and that's why she takes such extreme measures? It's very disturbing.

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