Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bad or Cliched Blogger?

I found this link via the Universal Hub. As an aside, bad or cliched at least I cite my sources. Nothing chaps my ass more than bloggers who think their posts are original when they just stole a post from another blog without citation.

Perusing the list of bad or cliched blogerisms, I am not guilty on the first four listed. From #5 onward I am guilty yo. I guess I'm a cliched blogger, oy! So, using ethnic responses is cliched? Seriously? What's next? Banning Yiddish? I'm looking at you Nazi Germany. Um, isn't it a sign that America is a melting pot that ethnic responses have become cliched? Or is it, wait for it, a culture selling out? Just reading this Gawker list made my eyes bleed. However, Universal Hub is Boston-y goodness. It's like a blog-gasm. Hopefully cliched is the new cool.

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