Thursday, December 21, 2006

Looking for Work Tonight

The title comes from Sarah's blog. Today has been Present Day. I got a corporate gift check of $50 and two gifts from co-workers. Plus, I have a $50 gift card from my uncle so I'm swimming in possibilities (on top of Smirnoff Ice).

The Positives of Having a Large Family

- A steady supply of babysitting jobs.
- Being memorable even if you live the most tame and boring life.
- Never lacking company.
- A good support system in good times and bad.
- Being spoiled as a kid. For Xmas we got trash bags full of toys.
- Lots of knowledge and experience you can tap into.
- Free furniture for your first apartment.
- A big group of people who you have a lot in common with and can enjoy 24/7/365.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

ha! i was trying to explain to adam the madness of christmas trash bags o' gifts at grandma and grandpa's when we were young. i could not remember, who played santa? and remember the themes? art supply christmas!