Monday, March 19, 2007

Take That Flat Tire!

The receptionist asked me if I had a blue Ford Focus and rattled off my license plate around lunchtime today. With dread, I asked why she was asking. One of my co-workers noticed that I had a flat tire. So, I went out to the parking lot and sure enough the back passenger tire was flat, bulging at the sides. I called AAA for an assist.

As I waited, I decided to do as much as I can. I jacked up the car, removed the lug nuts and took off the flat tire. I was struggling with the donut when the AAA truck showed up. Seriously, changing a tire on a cool sunny day in a parking lot is completely doable. I'm pretty pumped that I was able to do so much. Thank goodness my co-worker noticed or I would have blown the tire tonight! The AAA guys showed me the nail in the flat tire.

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