Monday, April 02, 2007

How to Tell If a Course Will Be Lousy

- The assigned reading material is full of typos to the point that entire sentences are missing subjects.

- The handouts are full of typos as well.

- The professor uses overheads and powerpoint with a laser pointer.

- The professor declares in the beginning of class that he likes Socratic discussion and never shuts up to allow the students to discuss.

- Doesn't answer students' questions. Listens to maybe the first 3 words out of a students mouth.

- Mentions how he used to be a big thing at the college and now he's on his way out (retirement).

This is what I endured Friday from 6:30 to 9PM and Saturday from 9 to 3PM. I have one more class to look forward to on April 21 from 9 to 3PM. Luckily, the subject matter is cake and the course is only 1.5 credits. Also, did I mention that I'm graduating May 19?

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