Technically it's only legal to park on one side of my street which means spaces on that side are at a premium. People can park on the other side but every once in a while the Waltham PD decide to go on a parking ticket spree.
Adding to the parking complications is that there is a telephone poll almost in the street on one side of my apartment and on the other side, there's a neighbor's driveway. You can fit three cars between those boundaries easily if everyone plays along. But I have new neighbors who seem to NOT GET IT. I got home last night with their car smack dab in the middle of two possible parking spaces. I was exhausted, hot, and sick so I took a page from Passive Aggressive Notes and left a note under the windshield saying, "Three cars can fit in this parking area but not if you park like this. Please be considerate of your neighbors." I don't know maybe it's genetic?
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