Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dreams of Craziness

I didn't eat anything weird last night but I had the oddest dream. It happened in two parts. The first part was visiting some futuristic city where visitors are housed in some subterranean area and the only way to get above to the city is to take an elevator with fingerprint access. Plus, the only way to get back down was scanning a visitors pass. I was a stowaway who was hiding from some guys. I think I was carrying some person's hacked off hand to navigate.

The second part involved being in some kind of existential orientation based out of my workplace. I wound up staying late and bumped into my boss in some big auditorium with a ton of shoes. She was doing something with her computer and there was some guy who was a technie helping her. He isn't anyone I know. We chatted about computer stuff and I kept trying to leave but when it was finally time to leave, I could find my shoes in the huge pile of random shoes. In the end, I found my shoes neatly stowed behind my boss' desk - which made me very suspiscious. Then I woke up.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Your boss is like the maniac on The Jerk. Instead of shooting at cans of oil she hoards shoes and creates a community of shoes with names like lefty and righty.

She worries me A LOT!

As do dreams like this. Be careful in bed, it's a dangerous place.