Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How I Almost Died Today

128 North around the route 9 exit. I was in the fast lane and it was going at a pretty steady clip of 75mph. When at 5:30-ish some chick on a cell phone two cars ahead of me decided to slam on her brakes and come to a complete stop. Since I left room in front of me, I was able to brake fine. Then I looked in my rear view mirror at a silver SUV braking too late for its speed. The driver had to turn off towards the grassy divide in order not to kill me.

I got out of that lane and passed the cell phone chick who was barely able to stay in her own lane while TEXTING! FUCKING GET OFF THE PHONE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are so many nitwits out there who insist on cellphoning and/or texting while driving, who're also totally oblivious to the problems or potential problems that they cause on the road. These idiots have to be made to realize that texting and/or cellphoning while driving a car is a totally unsafe practice, and, if they have an accident, their insurance will get jacked way the hell up, particularly if they run over somebody, or have a crash and end up in the hospital or cause others to crash and burn. These clowns have to be stopped once and for all! I'm for banning cellphoning and/or texting while driving. I'd be pissed if someone ran over me, a friend or a loved one or pet while yapping on the cellphone and/or texting.