So far no promising job leads but it is only 3 weeks. I have been able to get a work at home part-time job that I hope is legit. I'll find out Friday when (and if) I get paid. I'm also considering getting out of working as a financial analyst and trying to get an entry-level human resources or marketing job. Since the 3 rounds of unemployment over the past 3 years happened after being a financial analyst, I think that's a pattern! I think a job that allows me to use both my analytical and creative sides would make me happier and be more stable.
Speaking of happiness and stability, my mom had an awesome idea last week. She thought my frustrations and struggles in my recent job could be linked to my learning issues from my stroke. So, I pulled out the neuropsych assessment I had done a couple years ago and guess what? Word for word listed out all my frustrations and misunderstandings! All those weeks of anxiety and beating myself up got resolved by reading that report. Of course I had trouble making connections between two reports because I was not trained in any orderly manner, I was trained by two different people two months apart. So, I have gotten to a point in my life that I have realized that denying what happened to me June 10, 2001 is only hurting my life. Being open about my stroke and the learning difficulties I have can only help me and increase my likelihood of success and happiness. Geez, it only took me nine years to figure this out!
Also, I got a haircut today as a job search expense and something to lift my spirits. Aura salon is really awesome and I've just been going in for trims since I'm growing my hair out. There are no hard sells for products or talking me out of my haircut choices. Plus, their prices are awesome! Tah dah.
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