Monday, March 17, 2014

Why Were You Unemployed?

Believe it or not, I was asked that question on a job interview.  I have two things to discuss about this and I promise I will stop writing about this recent bout of joblessness. Even I'm getting bored with it!

First off, how does one explain to a hiring manager what the job market has been like for the past six years?  I temped at companies that had hiring freezes or huge rounds of lay-offs in the banking industry, consumer goods, and healthcare.  Was there an industry 2008 to present that did not have workforce reductions and still was hiring?  Did I lose the magical compass that pointed True Employment? My MBA degree got me interviews but did not open up employment options.  For three years I was a temp. How do I answer a question that implies there's something wrong with me and ignores what was going on in the job market?

Secondly, how can a fully functioning human being be so clueless?  Yes, I'm sure it must be nice in your cushy job that you've had for a decade.  Maybe you noticed there isn't a receptionist anymore at work or there are new faces in accounting every couple of months.  The office supplies closet is really dwindling and your health plan's deductible has doubled.  You don't listen to NPR and when you watch the news, the unemployed are Those People. The lazy, uneducated who would rather suckle at the government teat than earn a living.  Or, on the flip side, you are scared to death that you could lose your job so you stick your head in the sand.  If you meet one of Those People, you have to blame them for their joblessness because if it isn't their fault, whose is it?  That scares you.

I didn't get the job where that question was asked. I have to figure out an appropriate response to that question now because apparently that is still a question in MOTHER FUCKING TWO THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN.

Thank you.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Welcome to the Flat Circle

28 days unemployed.  7 job rejections out of 97 job applications.  4 job interviews.  3 staffing agencies.

I had a second interview booked tomorrow morning for a job that felt like a great fit.  I had just pulled together my interview outfit and was prepping for the interview when I got an email saying that the position is no longer available.  That is manager speak that they gave the job to the CFO's nephew.

It is getting tough to keep positive lately.  I know it's really easy to buy into the idea that I have a huge kick me sign on my back for the universe's pleasure.  I've been playing with the idea of moving or completely opting out of the corpo-economic gang bang.  4 rounds of unemployment in 7 years does that to a person.

Now it feels like when I'm down, the hole has gotten a lot deeper.  What helped me snap out of it today was this board. There are people on there who are hurting a lot worse than I.  A couple are considering suicide.  I still have a roof over my head and options if I need to move.  I also have unemployment benefits until Jan. 2015.  My only dependents are two cats. So, reading about others suffering does help snap me out of self pity.

What got me up to a functioning human being was watching this and a bunch of his other interviews.  I'm still hoping that I'll have some kind of income when there's sunshine an it's 70 degrees out.