Sunday, June 05, 2016

May Crazy Fun

Wow, life was intense, busy, and awesome in May!  My mom and I had a great Mother's Day thanks to Canto 6 bakery.  I got to see Cyndi Lauper and Boy George at The Wang.  That made me so happy, I was on a high for days.  Throughout the concert, I was having flashbacks to where I was when I first heard certain songs. I think the concert had such a great affect on me because I knew eight year old me (who was so unhappy and scared) would be so proud and content with who I am now.

Memorial Day I went camping here with a group of seven people and two dogs.  I snagged a ride with this great married couple who live in JP and their lovable labrador, Quixote. Traffic was horrendous heading out and it was nice to witness the wife's road rage because I ain't got nothing on her! The weekend was full of beer, laughs, good food and group dynamic drama.  I avoided the latter.

Work has been as crazy as usual. We got a temp to help with the billing process. She definitely helps but she is SO CHATTY I basically let her talk and find a pause to steer her back towards work. Work has also gotten a lot more political with potential lay-offs on the horizon.  It's pretty sad seeing managers so focused on saving their own asses, they are willing to screw anyone over.  Super Boss and I got blind-sided by one of these maneuvers this past week.  A manager who we thought was a supporter/ally completely threw our group under the bus.

You know how I call my boss "Super Boss"? I don't think that does me or him any favors by putting him on a pedestal.  He isn't perfect, the best, or a super hero. He has a ton of great boss qualities but also has problems handling his emotions.  In particular, anger and frustration.  Lucky for me, I have the same problem so that's why things can turn toxic so quickly for us.  I had a very difficult week this past week.  One day he blew up at me because he didn't like the tone of my voice when we went over a project.  The next day he told me that he's not a hugger but I look like I needed a hug. I did so we high-fived.  We have also been talking quite frankly about finding a new job.  He is definitely looking and I am getting worried that I should. The other day he told me in a despairing tone, "It wasn't always like this..." referring to how miserable and stressful work has become.

June should be a lot less busy socially but on the flip side work will be nuts thanks to fiscal year deadlines.  I am taking June 10 off as a vacation day.  It's the 15 year anniversary of my stroke and I want to do something for myself.

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