Sunday, July 14, 2019

July is A Lost Cause

Tomorrow would have been my father's 87th birthday. Next Saturday is his memorial.  My childhood home will be signed over the end of the month. The plans for the crater where my childhood home will be are posted online.
You know how we found out about this?  Some asshole called my mom asking if the house is still for sale. Rather than the developer or realtor - the actual contact info posted.  Guess what dude?  You aren't a go-getter, you are a creepazoid.

I also hate the world in between bouts of crying. My mom and brother aren't doing well either. I am forcing myself to go to work every day to get out of my head and do something.  I'd rather stay in bed all day. But on the upside, at least the MBTA has given me a socially acceptable rage outlet. I am loving that everyone is over their bullshit and are sick of the excuses.

I know I will have good days eventually but this has been a tough month and I'm tired of being sad.

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