Sunday, August 22, 2021

I Have Breakthrough COVID


I was vaccinated with Pfizer Jan 11 and Feb 1 2021. Those vaccinations were pretty uneventful.  Just a sore arm and tiredness afterwards.

Last weekend I traveled to Hampton Beach to actually get away and enjoy beach life. I don't think I contracted COVID from Hampton Beach but the no mask atmosphere got me lulled into a false sense of security.  On the drive home I used a restroom at a rest stop that I'm suspecting could have been the exposure location. 

On Wednesday Aug 18 I was sneezy with a runny nose. The pollen report was pretty high so I thought it was allergies. So, no big deal. On Thursday, I was completely congested with a sore throat. I thought the allergies might have progressed to a sinus infection. But I was having a bloody nose and developed a low grade fever.  I reached out to my PCP.

Friday Aug 20 I was told to get a COVID test.  The exhaustion and body aches were hitting bad. I got the CVS ellume take home test.  My results were positive but apparently it isn't that accurate so I booked a PCR test for Sat.  I could not find an available free testing site until August 24 so I opted for a paid place that comes to your home. I got my positive results from them within 12 hours.

I am very lucky I am home stuffed up and tired  watching Netflix and not in the hospital.  That is how I know the vaccine works. A couple things:

- If the only available testing centers are booked out four days, that means four days of potential virus spread is going undetected. Governor Baker needs to get on the ball.

- It's okay to be cautious.  Being the only person masked, is okay. It is very hard to resist the crowd especially for something that is uncomfortable. Being safe is worth it.

- Listen to your body and trust your instincts.

- If you do get sick, it's normal to go through a lot of emotions. I regretted going away, was angry at unvaccinated idiots, scared about Delta/Lambda, and felt like an ungrateful jerk.

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