Monday, October 16, 2006

Like Clockwork

I usually get sick twice a year. Sometimes three times, depending how bad the winter is. I'm particularly susceptible during the changover from season to season. Spring to summer makes my allergies go haywire and therefore I come down with a sinus infection or bronchitis. October, the settling into autumn, messes with me. If I've been hibernating for months due to bad weather, I get sick in February as well.

Sure enough, I'm stuck at home - taking a sick day because my head feels like it's in a vice and my throat in on fire. Sleeping in didn't help, I just got a really sore back. Tea and lozenges have potential. Soup and a hot bath are my plans for tonight. Tomorrow, I have to get back to work since I planned a company sundae party and am the only contact with our vendor. Yeah, I know, tough life dragging myself back to a job where I'll get to devour gourmet ice cream with 8 different toppings.

For the first time in ages, I went to the local Blockbuster. I knocked off some titles from my Netflix queue. Seriously, how would Blockbuster still do business without the sick and unemployed? At least, I'm getting a lot of reading for my MBA classes done today and have discovered both my sofas are incredibly comfortable for lounging in the classic post-nasal drip drainage position.

Drink that water, wash your hands and keep popping those vitamins, people! This cold that's going around is a doozy.

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