Friday, October 06, 2006

Two Degrees and a Decade

Last night I was hit by the question of "Is it bad not to have changed ever since high school?" I have always been of the opinion that it is bad not to have changed.

It turns out one of my classmates used to work with high school buddy, before high school buddy got laid off and moved to PA. Just listening to his description of high school buddy at work, highlighted why high school buddy is still HIGH SCHOOL buddy. According to my classmate, HS buddy was a misfit at work but generally liked and he always did the bare minimum of work expected of him. Wow, rewind 12 years and that is what he was like in high school. Hell, I was like that too!

Then I remembered a conversation from a couple years ago. I was trying to encourage HS buddy to go back to school. His response was that he hated school and resented homework/assignments. Which struck me as odd for a 26 year old who constantly complained about his job. Sure, I don't love homework but I'm willing to put in the work and withstand the inconvenience so I can improve my professional life. Maybe he's one of those people who puts minimal effort into his own life and enjoys complaining about the lack of rewards/recognition. You know those people. The ones who whine, "What? They want me to woooorrrkk!"

I understand ruts, I complain a lot too but if I have any control over the situation I try to fix it or work to make it better. I guess that's the difference between living a passive life vs. an active life. I've had enough crap happen to me out of my control and being powerless left a deep impression on me. At least I've learned to notice the world around me and will say, "No, this is enough. Stop." if needed. I also have a couple trusted people in my life who can spot me rowing up the River of Denial and make me realize, "Aw crap, what am I doing!"

My latest realization came with Yom Kippur. I have been driving like a maniac for a while: tail-gating, flipping people off, wearing down my brakes and horn. I have been working on my driving all week and so far so good.

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