Saturday, November 04, 2006

Reds, the movie

Since Reds has finally come out on DVD, I got a copy via Netflix. I have to say, I am extremely disappointed with the film. It's not revolutionary at all. In fact, it downplays some of the truly revolutionary people around the time. Emma Goldman had basically 5 scenes in 3 hours of movie. Basically, the entire movie is a will they, won't they romance stretched over horrible dialogue, acting, and occasional historically important events. I cannot believe that Louise Bryant was considered a feminist based upon her portrayal in the movie. She just nags John Reed, serves food, and adoringly watches him make speeches. I like Emma Goldman's quote about her, "Louise was never a Communist; she only slept with a Communist." The only character I could stand in the movie was Jack Nicholson's Eugene O'Neil because he totally called John and Louise on their "revolutionary" bullshit.
So, I am still in the market for a well-made revolutionary film that will blow my mind. This one didn't fit the bill.

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