Friday, January 26, 2007

Newsflash: Sent Home From Work

My company shut down today at 11AM. Why? Our office is located on a hill with one driveway as an exit/entrance. The road we exit onto had a water main break at 10AM today. We didn't have running water and, most importantly, fire suppression capabilities. So, the office closed.

The way the news spread was hilarious. It was a combination of old timey village and the game Operator. What heightened the drama was our General Manager is out on vacation so the two second highest managers had to make the call to close. It started with the receptionist rushing by my cubicle calling for one of our managers and I overheard something about no toilets and closing early. So I wandered out of my cubicle to find out what was the hubbub. The water main break news spread fast. What heightened the tension was an employee who wound up coming in late announcing that the entire street we're on has collapsed. So that got people freaking out about how to get home then it lead me and a couple others to wonder how an office park with over 200 employees can have ONE exit/entrance and pass safety codes? Each department had an emergency meeting at around 10:30 explaining the situation and calming nerves(only part of the road had collapsed so we could still leave but only take a left turn).

So, woohoo for a long weekend! Another woohoo for my cold getting better! Tomorrow night is the wine party/bar crawl. Today, I'm going to level up my Blood Elf. Yes, I am a complete geek. Do or do not, live long and prosper.

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