Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bomb Hoax: Blog Hate

The local news organzations have been dissecting and weighing in on yesterday's bomb hoax. I find the whole situation amusing - since no one was hurt. In fact, several blogs knew what was going on yesterday morning. Reading through the reactions, I found this horrible blog. Whatever he writes, it's like flames, on the side of my face, heathing... breathle - , heathing breaths. Heathing breath... .

I know this blogger makes his living on paranoia and mass panic but calling a group of bloggers, "spaced-out slackers" for trying to make sense of yesterday's ridiculousness, doesn't help his cause. It makes him look like a generalizing ASS. He even places blame on the bloggers who recognized the cartoon character and didn't inform authorities. What does he imagine would happen if the police dept got a call saying it was a cartoon? The caller would probably be arrested. If he throws out "living in a post 9/11 world" one more time on his blog, people will start thinking he's Dick Cheney's twin! His obvious contempt of anyone younger than 30 is simply toxic. According to this Homeland Security guru, the under 30 set are:

-unaware of reality

Quite a broad brush huh? My fellow lazy slackers, when you make your first million in business make sure you NEVER hire this twerp!

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