I had a good Tae Kwon Do lesson Tuesday where I found out what I was doing wrong with my roundhouse kicks. I was so focused on turning without wrenching my pivoting leg, I forgot to keep my knee high enough to kick with power. I got in some really good kicks. Plus, we practiced some street fighting techniques. I now know arm locks and the neck pinch. The black belts got to practice tossing people - which was fun to watch. My post-TKD routine is to stretch, guzzle down Gatorade and tylenol.
The Production Manager at work has started playing music softly in his office. I really like it so we got to talking about music tastes. It turns out we have very similar taste!As I was leaving work last night, I co-worker asked me if I was losing weight. How can you go wrong with a question like that? So that made my commute because I didn't feel like Weight Watchers and months of Tae Kwon Do has had any effect. Class last night went well. My Latino Eye Candy was in class sitting BEHIND me! Oh the irony... My gal friends got their eyefuls and gave me nods of approval. Hee!
I got home and my latest purchase from Old Navy was waiting for me. I bought the clothes online so I prepared myself to return at least half of what I ordered. Nope! Everything fit and the Old Navy sizing chart is the real deal. They don't run too small or big (cough*Chadwicks*cough). Here is what I got:

Last night, I made a mix CD for the Production Manager and he has been playing it softly all day today. It makes me smile to hear the Doobie Brothers coming from his office. Tonight is another phone call with my Saturday date to firm up plans for lunch. Whee!
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