Monday, March 26, 2007

Holding an Anxiety Attack at Bay

Sometimes when my life gets so packed full of things to do and things to accomplish, I basically want to revert to a two year old with jelly legs who refuses to get up and sits bawling on the ground. I had trouble falling asleep last night because I kept remembering, "Oh God, I have to do this." over and over. Here's just a snapshot of the next two weeks for me and why I feel like Indiana Jones with a boulder chasing me down.

-Shrink appointment
- Chorus rehearsal: A little mental and spiritual yoga. No stress, just fun thank God.
- Rabbi appointment: pre-conversion face time. I should prepare intelligent questions.
- Class: I have heard nothing from the professor and only know the classroom location.
- Yellow belt testing: I have to finish memorizing the school creed (I'm also skipping a MBA class for this).
- Performance review follow-up: a negative possibility is that I will be laid off since I kept a work log that shows somedays I only work 3.5 hours. A positive possibility is that my boss will have an opportunity or some suggestions for me.
- Donating blood: the obligation of being O+
- Evening class: I totally forgot that I had an intensive elective this weekend. So crunchtime for homework and actually picking up the case packet.
- Pay day!
- Class: Hopefully I won't have to prepare anything between last night's class and this morning's class.
- Buy Passover supplies and get rid of chametz.

April 1 - 6
- 1 seder
- 2 MBA classes
- 1 Tae Kwon Do class
- Conversion: beit din, mikveh etc.

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