This has been a painful week so far. Even though I've been getting to bed fairly early, I'm exhausted all the time. Today, I'm so tired I feel nauseous.
Last night I had my first Business & Technical presentation class. It is pretty small and seems to be a good mix of work and challenge. This one woman kept on smiling at me across the classroom and I knew she looked familiar. Since this is my fourth year in grad school, I assumed we had had a class together. Then, I heard that she went to my old university. Everything clicked. I recognized her from four years of marching band and she was in the color guard! Small world, huh?
Tonight, I have my yellow belt testing. I know I'm good for the memorized stuff and my kicks are decent. Some of my blocks aren't so hot because I mix up inside and outside blocks. I have done forms so often, I don't think I'll be able to screw them up. I'm still pretty nervous for tonight because I really don't want to be the only white belt kept back in this round of testing. I'm hoping the law of economics will be on my side - that anyone willing to pony up the testing fee will pass.
Maybe I'll take a sick day tomorrow. YAWN!
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