1. I finally figured out my thesis for my term paper (35% of my grade).
2. After two weeks away, I'm resuming Tae Kwon Do classes.
I had my marketing class last night and it went really well. Pig Face McAsshole didn't spend the entire class playing solitaire. He sits in the front row completely checked out of the class until the remaining half hour when he realizes he should get his participation grade up. Then he volunteers a totally off-topic or repeptive comment like he's handing down a pronouncement from God. Can you tell that I hate him? I like the class and feel like I'm learning a lot so that's probably why I find his behavior so offensive. I'm the type of student who doesn't pack up my stuff until the professor is done talking. This is how I roll (being a daughter of two professors).
I also had a nice chat with fabulous funny woman. She's graduating in May like me and we discussed how we've totally hit a "senior slump". Plus, she has the same time visual for post-graduation life!

After May 19, it's just air. One of the Asian students asked a question in class referring to "hip hop" but fabulous funny woman didn't understand the pronunciation. So, she turned to me with a quizzical look. After mouthing "hip hop" a couple times and receiving a blank look, I made gangster hand gestures. That got through to her and gave us giggle fits.
I have also heard from my Auto Insurance company regarding the personal injury lawsuit. Even my insurance agent thinks it's ridiculous and tells me that they'll fight it and the "injury" isn't life threatening. So, all my worrying about lawsuits, losing everything I have has disappeared. I'm learning how lying(the other driver) and corruption (the cop) can effect every aspect of your life.
Hopefully by midnight tonight, I will have a finished term paper. Wish me luck!
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