Friday, May 11, 2007

Why Today is Awesome

It's great because it's a Friday and a payday. Today went up to the awesome level because when it started getting dark outside around 10:30, I went outside because I love this kind of weather. It turns out a couple engineer co-workers were already outside marveling at the sky. So I joined them as we shared stories of our favorite storms. We actually saw a bolt of lightning and stood around bemused as other co-workers rushed out to close their windows.

Then my boss came out to smile like a little boy over the ionized air. This is why working at this company kicks ass. We can stand outside like kids and be in awe of nature's power. So, if my job search falls through, it won't be the end of the world. I don't think my company will be okay with me running out barefoot into the rain though...

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