Any teenager can write a survey about their favorite class, or their secret crush, or how nice their car is that their parents paid for. This is the survey for the older crowd.
1. Do you have a college degree?
2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
Around $56
3. Do you have life insurance?
4. How many hours per week do you work?
5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
7. How many miles is your commute to work each day?
8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
7:15 + 9 snooze hits = 8:30
9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
Past 10
10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
11. How large was your first cellular bill?
12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
14. Have you attended a HS reunion?
Yes. Class of '95 - woohoo!
15. How many jobs have you held in your career?
I don't have a career but I have held 3 jobs since college graduation
16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
17. What is your favorite drink?
Martini (vodka not gin)
18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
Probably the $22 Pinot Noir leftover from the wine tasting party
19. Have you been divorced?
20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID'd for Alcohol?
I'm 30 and I still get ID'd
21. Favorite casino?
I've only been to Foxwoods. Staying in the Pequot tower is amazing
22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?
No because I didn't need another reason to be beat up in middle school.
24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and attracted to older people?
Yes. I adored Thriller and could moonwalk in first grade
25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
26. Have you had a will made?
27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, and U2
28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
8 years
30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At work when a professor came in and asked me if I heard about the planes going into the towers. Since none of the news websites worked, we pulled out a radio to listen to the news.
31. Do you remember Baby Jessica?
32. How many cars have you had since you turned 16?
33. Did you ever own/play Atari?
34. Did you ever play Oregon Trail in school?
Yes! My group always died from yellow fever or a broken horse leg.
35. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
I went through phases. The Snorks then the Real Ghosbusters then Ducktales then The Simpsons then South Park.
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