Rosh Hoshanah was a very good holiday. For me, it's all about the shofar. I bounce up and down in my seat as I see the blower get ready. I think ancient rabbis understood the anticipation the horn can build because throughout the two days' services, the shofar gets mentioned a lot. It's a great build-up. I also found out that I have a proper Jewish kitten. Rasputin likes challah bread!
This afternoon, I have my fourth job interview of the week. It's a second interview for my Monday initial phone interview. It is scheduled with two people and for two hours. I am going to be WIPED once I get home! My big plans for the weekend are to uninstall my air conditioner, tae kwon do class, a beer tasting and lunch with my mom.
The nights of non co-sleeping have trained Rasputin really well. He wakes me up every morning at 6AM. I open my door, he jumps on the bed and we snuggle for about an hour then I get up. When we do co-sleep, he is just as punctual. He has several favorite sleep spots: on my pillow, on the bed using my arm as a pillow, on my hip and in between my two pillows. He also gives me goodnight kisses - a lick on the nose and a human-like kiss. The way he wakes me up is meowing and he also presses my face with his paws (very carefully with no claws). I've also gotten into the habit of playing with him a lot in the evening so I can wear him out.
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