Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I'm an ornery creature. For example, whenever I make sure I get 8 hours of sleep, I am even more exhausted than days where I get 4 - 6 hours. So, I got the recommended amount of sleep last night and got into work a bit early. Everything seemed to be going well. I spent all morning reconciling reports and that was going well too. I had a good analytical groove. At lunch, the elevator door didn't close on me (like yesterday - ow). 5 hours of goodness.

Then I got a phone call from my boss about the December report and how it's all screwed up and she wants me to come up so it can be fixed by both of us. My first thought was, "Aw shit, this was the first report I tried to do on my own - since everyone was on vacation." and my second thought was, "I did the report while I had pneumonia and no one was around to ask questions so this can't appear too awful." Remember, this is month 3 of temping and this month is supposed to be the time to go perm (according to the HR rep I spoke to). So, I feel even more pressure to be perfect and smart.

When I got up to my boss' office, I had forgotten to bring my folder with reports, so I ran back down. When I got back up, it turns out my reports were the wrong ones. She wanted these huge excel files I receive monthly to be printed out and she was pretty pissy with me. I could feel that had turned magenta and tears had sprung into my eyes. Feeling like an idiot, I went downstairs to print out reams of reports on a shared printer. I had a good cry in my cubicle and as I gathered everything to return to my boss's office, I chanted to myself, "You are Anna, you won't let this upset you. Just do your work with no attitude and lots of enthusiasm."

So, I survived walking through the report line by line and it turns out, I did a lot of things right! The stuff that was wrong, wasn't huge and correcting didn't effect the bottom line too much. My boss was very dry and focused but I could spot a hint of attitude slipping through. On the up side, I think I learned a lot and my future reports should be problem-free!

The cool thing about being on a diet and being upset, the urge to emotionally eat is gone. I barely choked down dinner tonight. In the olden days, I would have swung by CVS and picked up a bag of Hershey kisses. Now, I'm just getting my wine on. Literally and figuratively - ha!

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