Thursday, February 14, 2008

Things I Am Loving

For Valentine's Day, I'd like to highlight what I'm loving lately:

Job Interview Tomorrow
I have my first nibble on my job application hook tomorrow afternoon. The job sounds awesome and I have been trying to get hired by this company for years. Keep your fingers crossed!

Mary Kay
Being a consultant means that I have something to fall back on income-wise. It all depends on how much effort I put into selling products. According to some of the older consultants, I could actually replace my full-time income with just selling Mary Kay!

General Hospital
I am a long-time fan from the days of Duke and Anna, the WSB and DVX. Occasionally I catch a re-run on Soap Net. But when I heard Sarah Brown was returning to GH, I got a TiVo season pass! She is absolutely phenomenal and when she played Carly I couldn't stop watching. Now she's playing a different character but the awesomeness is still there. I'm confused about the text message killer plot and the teens' storyline. But GH now rocks.

Blog Comments
For a spectacularly awful week, the support of my readers has helped me through a lot. It has been awesome to have the moral support and sympathy. Even someone else agreeing with me that, "X is totally fucked up!" buoys my spirits. So, dear readers, I hope that I will have some wonderful news to share with you!

Happy Valentine's Day,

1 comment:

Jeff Cutler said...

Glad I could help. :-)

Feel free to comment over on my site.

Chat soon. Maybe Jenny will get that chocolate thing going soon and I'll say hi again in person.
