Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Least Eco Friendly Hannafords on the Planet

Slowly yet surely I am getting my lazy butt on a more environmentally friendly path. Shameful confession, I never recycled my trash until these past couple of months. My car gets decent mileage thank goodness and I try to avoid using air conditioning on the road and in my apartment.

I use reusable bags every time I shop for groceries. I usually switch between Shaws and Hannafords. Hannafords is good for a quickie weekly grocery run. Shaws is excellent when you have recipes to plan for. My local Hannafords also has an awful bagging habit. It's like in their training they are told that every item gets its own bag. In the days before reusable bags, I would get through checkout and repack all my groceries, usually saving 5 bags at least.

Today, armed with my reusable bags, I did my quickie weekly grocery run. Checking out was completely ridiculous. The bagger was moaning and groaning the whole time. It got so bad, I offered to bag my own groceries. All my groceries were scattered across the bagging area with one pitiful half full bag. The lady behind me was already checked out by the time I could leave with bagged groceries.

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