Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Bounceback

Good news everyone! I have invented an albino gorilla that yells "Love Mom!" No, seriously my COBRA subsidy has gone through. The trick is not to try to call any government office, just contact your COBRA provider. It's a pull not push situation. I actually got to speak to a human being who not only told me:

1) I qualify for the subsidy
2) My full payment from March will be applied as a credit for April (and possibly May)

So, thank you President Obama for signing this bill. It means that I will have more money to:

a) Pay down credit card debt
b) Shop, shop, shop!

On the health front, it is amazing how stress can mess with my immune system. I have been battling a staph infection and my psoriasis has been flaring up really badly. Yesterday, I took Rasputin to his new vet for a check-up. I love how everyone falls madly in love with him. Even hardened lab techs are amazed by his beauty. I get to stand by proudly saying, "I OWN him. Yup, he loves ME." Such a nice ego boost! He has a little cold and gingivitis but otherwise, he's ideal.

My dad and I have also made up a bit. We had a couple of talks. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one who felt that a decade of therapy was undone with our fight. I also had a nice eye opener. Just because I'm unemployed doesn't mean I am the only person in the household with money anxiety and worries. Still, screw Patriot's Day for delaying my unemployment check...

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