Thursday, October 12, 2006

Le Chat Est Sur la Table

Registration for my last semester in the MBA program starts next week. I just need 6 more credits for my degree. It's weird to think about how all this will be over after four years and two jobs. Plus, it will be odd to attend a college graduation where my name will be read. I got my B.A. from Umass Amherst, where the ceremony was held in a stadium, we just stood up and sat down to graduate.

My grand plan for my final semester is to take an intensive elective, which is a course over two weekends (1.5 credits). Start off the semester with two courses: a brand marketing course (3 credits) and a technical presentation elective (1.5 credits). The technical presentation elective only lasts until March so I will end my last semester taking one course a week, Brand Marketing. I've heard great things about the presentation elective. A lot of it is playing familiar acting games to loosen yourself up and you're supposed to give a 5 minute presentation each week. As my speech has gotten better over the years, my fear of public speaking has diminished but it is still higher than what is normal for me. Plus, I'd like not to feel like I suck after every presentation. Marketing is usually a fluff topic and I've heard good things about the professor so it looks like a good choice for my last class.

Speaking of classes, I've decided the Hebrew class is a waste of my time so I will skip the last two classes. Yeah, I'm not happy wasting $200 on the class but at least I got a good textbook out of it! Ever since I've been an adult, I have no patience for language classes. Invariably, they go too slowly and are never challenging enough. If a class takes more than 5 weeks to teach the Hebrew alphabet, it's ridiculous. Back in college, when I took a German class, the whole semester was wasted learning nouns. What's the point? Just teach me verb conjugations and I'll build my vocabulary on my own without repeating rote sentences about " I am going to the library." or "The cat is under the table."

Tuesday night, my group got our first assignment back. A- baby! That evening was hilarious. Before class, I grabbed a salad in the cafe and wound up bumping into 4 former classmates. As I found a place to eat my dinner outside, a group was working on their finance project right next to me. I'm such an eavesdropper, I wound up giving them some advice on how to look at the financial statements. That evening, I felt like such a vet in the groove of MBA-ness.

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