Thursday, January 25, 2007

First Spring 2007 Class

Last night the spring semester officially began for me. I'm taking a Brand Management course Wednesday nights. I enjoy marketing courses and I liked the professor, who is a former co-worker of mine. That connection lead to an awkward interlude. Usually first classes are spent going around saying your name, student status and company you work for. So, when it came to me, the professor said, "Anna, my fellow co-worker." So I paused and corrected him by saying, "I haven't worked here for a year. I work for..." Yeah, AWKWARD! In fact, I haven't worked there since Oct. 2005. That goes to show how isolated and invisible my former position was. Which is basically why I HATED the job.

The class was a lot of fun and since I'm 8 semesters into the program, there are a lot of familiar faces. I've already formed a group for a project due in February. I met a fabulous funny woman before class. We were both early and started chatting. She's graduating this semester like me and she has strong opinions, like me. Plus, she used the word "dullard" to describe a classmate of ours. I like people with a broad vocabulary and who red flag people as "dullards". So yeah fab lady is in my group, Jewish Connection gal from last spring is in my group, plus we have a token male.

The class is a mix of full-time and part-time students and there's a heavy international representation. My Latin American eye candy guy from last semester is enrolled in class too, yet sadly he didn't show last night. Every 5 minutes, Fab lady turned around and whispered, "Where's this hot guy of yours?" Hee! I appreciate people who help me regress to 15 years old. I have to say the full-time students are really obnoxious. Overly aggressive when volunteering, poor listeners, and ass kissers. Generally, I like the international student's input because they usually volunteer something I haven't thought of or ask a question from an interesting perspective. But I do have to say, they have volume control issues. Either they speak way too loud or soft.

The classwork looks pretty decent. Not too heavy readings, interesting cases, a group project, a mid-term paper, and take home final. Major due dates are spread throughout the semester - which is a nice change from my previous classes. I'm enrolled in two other classes both 1.5 credits. One of those classes is an intensive weekend elective. The other starts in March on Tuesday nights. A nice light final semester!

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