Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Law & Order Sims Style

Last night after watching a SVU re-run, I realized what my Sims TV Ville neighborhood is missing. I made two households: Losvu and Losci.

To my dismay, my Sim Olivia and Elliot aren't getting along. Elliot is hitting it off with Casey. On the up side, Goren and Eames are best buds. When creating characters in the Sims, you have to design the face, pick a horoscope and pick a life goal (money, knowledge, love, family, or popularity). Since I made two households of cops, I made each characters' life goal knowledge. Dr. Huang and Casey Novak are the only non-cops. It was tough picking horoscopes for characters. Goren is a Scorpio and Mike Logan is a Gemini. For kicks, I made Maggie Wheeler a teen in the Losci household. Since Eames has had some hideous haircuts over the years, I picked the nicest one for her Sim.

In the Loscvu household, partners are room-mates. John Munch is a social butterfly who talks to everyone as much as possible. Elliot loves the pinball machine. Fin sacks out watching TV a lot. Dr. Huang is a crazy fitness buff. Their house looks like a red brick police station.

Their neighbors, the Losci household, have a white brick house. I had the idea of designing the house to look like a lighthouse. Get it? Investigators shine the light into dark places. I picked roomies based upon gender. I'm hoping that Goren will start exhibiting some OCD quirks.

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