Thursday, July 05, 2007

Confessions of an Armchair Physics Buff

I love physics. I enjoyed my high school class and regret that I didn't pursue a career in science. Quantum theory was my favorite theory for a while until I learned about string theory a couple years ago. The other day, I saw a Discovery special on M theory (parallel universes). I liked how the theory was introduced by a question: Why is gravity so weak compared to other universal forces? At first, the theory is that gravity was leaking out of our universe into another universe. But that theory was modified by reversing the leakage direction - into our universe. Then, they discussed the 11 dimensions and membranes. One physicist mentioned that in the other universes, matter may behave differently like electrons didn't hold charges. The coolest part of M theory is that it can explain the Big Bang, two membranes collided. Which made me start to think. If two membranes collided, was one stronger or stickier? If it was, doesn't that mean the majority of our universe is derived from that membrane?

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