Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Three Gifts

Monday was Rosh Hoshanah and yes I did make it to temple this year. I also chose to make these. I suggest doing the 3 inch circles because 2 inch barely allows any apple filling. I brought a bunch to work and gave them to Baby Analyst and Super Boss Tuesday. I left them on Super Boss' chair and when he came in, he was very confused. Me? I accept baked goods left anywhere!

Tuesday was such a great day because I had designed a billing process, IT built it, and I saw the demo that day. I informed everyone that it felt like Christmas for me. The meeting was very upbeat and verging on silly. The functionality was there and sure there were a couple tweaks but months ago I imagined it. Now it's real! I also had my first session with my new shrink Tuesday and it went very well.

Wednesday was tough because, as my mom reminds me, your body remembers mourning around a death anniversary. I was a student of Mr. Parks for four years and am a proud alumna of the UMass Minuteman Marching Band. My band years taught me so much, exposed me to so many new people and situations. I was allowed to be a leader in an organization with the ultimate leader, GNP. George passed away suddenly on a band trip five years ago. I collected a bunch of his quotes, aka starred thoughts, and posted them on my office door at work. I left a copy for Super Boss and Baby Analyst. Super Boss was yet again confused by another gift on his chair. I explained that who I am and how I tackle things at work is thanks to George Parks.  Super Boss' response, "Wow, he was like a philosopher. You should share these [quotes]."

Thursday was a busy regular old day but I got a call from an employee. I know this employee and kind of dread speaking to her.  I have to be very careful with my word choices and just let her vent at me usually.  So the call started out with the usual venting and my attempts to patiently explain. But the call ended with her telling me that she had been calling our department for months, Michelle was supposed to have been helping her, but now thank goodness for me. I started crying from surprise and I thanked her for what she said.  As Super Boss pointed out, how is it that Michelle was hired with years of Benefits experience and she screwed everything up but here I am with no experience and I'm making things better?  I told him that I know my mother's response to that question.  He laughed.  Thursday evening I saw an apartment that is affordable but in a horrible neighborhood and the realtor was a bit nuts. 

Friday was a shitty shit hole of a day.  I have been given a reporting process for retirements that I just started this month.  The woman who used to do the reporting is in the other department full of incompetent lazy screw ups that I have to reconcile all their work over the years. So, there was an emailed question about this report from Legal for a person who retired in July.  Incompetent Woman responded saying she had no information, just ask me. Um, bitch I didn't even do the report back then!  So, I had to scramble to get the information. Lo and behold, Incompentent Woman screwed up the report back in July and did have supporting documentation. Apparently, adding four numbers together is a stretch.  All of this happened before 9. 

I was also working on approvals and I vaguely remembered that there is something I should watch out for with that kind of approval. I tried to refer to my notes and use my common sense but I did email Super Boss just to double-check.  It turns out I did the approvals right but need to know some other details which he has told me many times. So I got upset about my memory which as you can probably tell from the morning I was having I handled awesomely. I apologized to Super Boss for needing a reminder, called my memory a sieve. He told me he had to remind the other previous analysts about it monthly so it's no big deal. I replied, "Oh, this is tough for Normals not just dummies like me?" Super Boss paused, took a breath, and said, "Don't ever say that." The ridiculous thing is even if I don't say it out loud, I still think it.  Around lunchtime I spoke to an employee struggling with serious health problems and resisting relapsing to drinking. Now, I know why I can't be a social worker because I get overwhelmed with empathy and my inability to help. I was crying in my office for the next couple hours.  Then Super Boss called me to ask me how I was doing. We had a good talk and I felt better. I spoke to an employee's spouse who is his caregiver because he had a stroke.  I could handle that better because I knew what to say.  After work, I met a potential roommate for the first time at South Station.  I don't want to jinx anything but she seems really awesome.

On top of all this, Mercury is in retrograde again. 

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