Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Catching Up

Fi Fi continues to be a great addition to our household. Phil and her groom each other, sleep next to each other, and occasionally wrestle. Shanna gets along with Fi Fi as well but is a bit less interactive. It seems like she’s enjoying Phil’s attention being elsewhere. Fi Fi likes to climb our legs like they are trees – sometimes we are wearing pants, sometimes we’re not. She also likes to climb into my pants when I’m in the bathroom. When I pull up my pants, she has a fun ride down a pant leg.  She is such a perfect fit, I have been accidentally calling Phil “Rasputin” for weeks. My lizard brain has a default cat kid setting.

My brother was seated on a jury trial several weeks ago and he was able to tell me all about it during a recent visit. All my years of watching Law & Order and The Wire were just groundwork for cases like his! I could not stop listening and gleaning every detail. He needs to be a juror every week to entertain me darn it!

Work continues to be great. My boss is very supportive and allows me to ask a ton of questions. He listens to my opinions/feedback as well. He calls it “Bringing your brain to work.” The more I settle into my new job, the more I realize I learned the wrong lessons at my old job. For example, I don’t need to apologize for asking questions or having opinions. I also don’t need to account for every second of my day to my boss. I’ve been told by my boss that he isn’t a clock watcher and that as long as the work gets done, my hours are fine. I still feel nauseous/guilty if I leave before 5:00. It’s like I have old job PTSD.  On the flip side, so much of HR is transferrable I feel so at home and slightly déjà vu-ey. It’s goes from “Oh, they haven’t tackled this yet here” to “Here we go again with this…”

Since I got wrapped up in the Marie Kondo craze, I’m loving this, this and this. I also highly recommend this brand for bath and hair products.  The smell is amazing and the ingredients are truly natural. I got to test that out when I got shampoo in my eye and didn’t need to flush my eyeball out ASAP due to all the burning. I tried these babies. I’m fairly pleased! They feel nice and cool. I have very sensitive skin especially my cheek/under eye area and these were safe.

Since I have a nice new job and I don’t need to act like a poor anymore, I have a hair appointment Monday March 11 for a cut and color. I just want highlights since I like my natural color and my grays.

This past weekend I got to see my parent's new apartment empty pre-move in. I really like it! I can imagine my folks living there.  The space is well laid out. I have claimed a strip of wall between doorways as my decorating/design spot. I'm thinking a picture, sconce, or artwork.

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