Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crazy Days

God, it has been nuts! Rasputin has had diarrhea for two mornings straight. I think I've figured out what is upsetting his stomach so hopefully that will help. At least I have learned not to get into my work clothes until he has taken his morning dump! He has a vet appointment tomorrow morning for a booster shot and check-up. I got my new cell phone and it is very cool. I'm still learning all the snazzy functions. Tae Kwon Do class went well but I had to have my ankle wrapped in ace bandage. After class, it was pretty sore anyways.

This morning I had a staffing firm interview that went really well and fast in Downtown Boston. They have already gotten me an interview for tomorrow afternoon! Tonight, I'm getting my hair done since most of my red hair dye has faded plus my hair is long enough for a blunt cut.

For Fall TV premiere week, I haven't been too impressed. Only 1 new show has hooked me, Chuck. The Heroes premiere was pretty meh. I did like Bones' premiere because I love season arcs and they set up a big bad serial killer. Journeyman stunk. I can't believe how bad Bionic Woman was last night! Maybe I went in with too high expectations but it was a chore watching it.

Hopefully, the job interview tomorrow will go well! Nothing much is planned for the weekend, thank God.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Made the Blotter!

Since, I had that sketchy car accident back in February, where the police officer was a dick to me, didn't write any citations and didn't log the accident on the police blotter; I always check the blotter to make sure I'm on it. My July 13 accident, where the police officer was nice and issued a citation, made it onto the blotter. Woohoo!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Weekend!

Despite a week of rejection, somehow this weekend turned out really well. Yom Kippur went very well and I found out that going to the early service helps with the parking and seating headaches. Plus, it's so early your stomach hasn't really caught onto the whole fasting thing. Saturday was also Rasputin's 4 month birthday so I spent a lot of time home playing with him. When the hunger pangs got bad, I sacked out on the sofa and watched a bunch of TiVoed movies. I wasn't too impressed with Scarface. Kinky Boots and Stranger Than Fiction both were excellent. When I lie on the sofa, Rasputin has a habit of lying with me by curling up behind my knees and using my feet as pillows. The whole fasting repentance time made me realize that I should wait to test for my green belt. I only have gone to 15 classes since July and I need 21. I was pushing to test this week because I didn't want to be behind . Basically, I was too proud to actually deal with the consequences that I was a lazy ass this summer. I really should wait for the makeup test, Oct. 10, and I should be "behind" for two weeks.

Sunday, I got Rasputin some birthday presents, restocked my liquor supply and did a lot of cleaning. Since I was home a lot this weekend, in a contemplative mood, I noticed that Rasputin hasn't been acting like himself. He sleeps a lot, has noisy breathing, is distracted by scratching his ear a lot, and has balance issues. Not just cute kitty tumble off the sofa while cleaning himself. But not noticing the edge of the table while walking on it issues. So I got him a vet appointment this week. He has been eating well and litter box usage is regular. When he's awake, he is a bundle of energy. He also doesn't wake up quickly, lots of bleary blinking and stretching. I hope he's okay!

This week is Fall TV premiere week so I'm pretty psyched. Tonight, I'm catching Chuck, Heroes, and Journeyman. Tuesday night, I'm checking out Bones. Wednesday is Bionic Woman. Thursday is The Office and Scrubs. Grey's Anatomy lost me last season.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Bad into Good

Yesterday was pretty sucky with a bad Tae Kwon Do class and getting the job rejection.

The bad class started out good. I was doing really well with my kicks. I have chambering and hip movements down. I wasn't corrected once by the instructor. The second half of class was when the suck started. With a new instructor (who didn't know my name), we ran through an old form (Il Jan) which I had down until the last two moves. So the group had to keep going until I got it right. Just two more times. The new testing form, Eee Jan, I did well overall. Repeating that 3 more times helped too. Since we had 10 more minutes, all the orange belts had to do jumping jacks on the side of the room while the white belts practiced. No count, don't end until the instructor says so. I didn't realize that I was standing on the part of the floor with a slight incline so I painfully rolled my ankle and just jumped through the pain until I rolled the other ankle even worse. By this time, I was pissed so when the instructor asked me if I was all right, I gritted my teeth and said I was fine. Since I was in pain and feeling humiliated, the lovely litany of self doubt started up. "Why am I doing Tae Kwon Do? I'm the charity fat ass case. I'm a complete uncoordinated fuck up." Afterwards, I spent some time crying in my car. Then, I got home to read my job rejection. Rasputin is so cute when he sees me crying. I swear he looks concerned and a bit scared. Having him around helped a lot to get out of the depth of despair (as Anne Shirley would say).

Today has been good because it's Friday. I have renewed drive for finding a job and there's a lot out there! Plus Comics Come Home tickets went on sale today. Going to that show has been a yearly tradition for me and this year it means so much more since I lost my grandmother to cancer. This is year 8 for me. Yom Kippur starts at sunset so I have the fasting to look forward to. It's bizarre but I do look forward to it! It definitely makes tomorrow's service more meaningful and powerful. My ankle is feeling much better - just a bit tender. Alleve and rest helped. I had a really encouraging talk about Tae Kwon Do this morning with a classmate so I feel better on that front.

I Didn't Get the Job

Now, it's just job option #2 and the staffing agency reps I met with. No stress!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My New Cell Phone

Free with a 2 year contract. I finally have a camera phone!

The Agony and the Interminable Waiting

My first choice for a job possibility sent me an email this weekend letting me know that I'm a strong candidate and they are planning on making an offer Wednesday (yesterday).

What did I do yesterday? Obsessively check my email and my cell. Still nothing. I tried calling my company contact this morning and I got his voicemail. I'm telling myself that I'm not getting the job but until I hear officially there's a naive glimmer of hope.

I also got a kiss off from my third choice job Monday. So, if this is the kiss off week, I won't have a first or third choice. Just a second choice. Rather than banking on one job, I'll need to go through a whole new round of applications and interviews.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Launder My Karma

For last night's Tae Kwon Do class, we reviewed self defense moves and did power kicking. I've been going to class for nine months and have basically viewed the entire shebang as a health/exercise past-time. Last night, one of the instructors forced me to reconsider my approach. He talked about how we need to rewire our brains into thinking of our bodies as weapons. With that mentality, we'd have a lot more power in our kicks and punches.

When I do kick or punch drills, I focus on technique and am basically emotionally detached from what my body is doing. Maybe that's why I keep getting feedback from instructors about, "More power, Anna."

If I want to rewire my body into being a weapon, to give myself more power, I'll have to tap into the whole fight/flight adrenaline response. Since I have a pretty damn good memory, that is very easy for me. But it's going to be very tough emotionally.

I've been so stupid about the whole Tae Kwon Do thing. Yes of course there's a fitness component and there's also a defense part which implies that I might be in a vulnerable position someday. I have spent my adult life convinced that I will never allow anyone to hit me. Tae Kwon Do is opening up the "If they do, I can..." aspect. That completely petrifies me. I didn't fight back when I was kid. I froze.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Emergenetics Profile

My HR manager raved about this tool so I decided to try it out. Here are my results.

Remember, this isn't my personality. It is how I like to work. Personality-wise, I'd be more social and structured.

The Good and the Bad

I've found out that Rasputin is one smart cookie the last couple of nights. Since it's so cold, I've left my bedroom door open in case he wants to warm up at night. Even with the door open, he waits to wake me up around 6AM. We don't even co-sleep. He gets bored of the snuggling and either sleeps at the foot of my bed or in another room. Basically, he is the perfect kitten for a working single gal like me!

Last night one of my chorus members decided to mention to me that her daughter is bipolar. Since she's just nine years old, I asked if it manifests like it does in adults. The chorus member explained that yes it does and her daughter held a knife over her wrist and threatened to bleed herself out. My internal reaction to that revelation was, "So? I did that when I was 6." then a beat and, "Oh yeah, I was completely fucked up as a kid." It was weird that something I actually did was spoken of in hushed tones and lead to a discussion of medication. Which also lead me to wonder what my life would have been like if I had been medicated as a child. I'm actually glad my depression didn't get treated until adulthood. I think I developed really strong coping mechanisms thanks to a childhood of untreated depression.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Rosh Hoshanah was a very good holiday. For me, it's all about the shofar. I bounce up and down in my seat as I see the blower get ready. I think ancient rabbis understood the anticipation the horn can build because throughout the two days' services, the shofar gets mentioned a lot. It's a great build-up. I also found out that I have a proper Jewish kitten. Rasputin likes challah bread!

This afternoon, I have my fourth job interview of the week. It's a second interview for my Monday initial phone interview. It is scheduled with two people and for two hours. I am going to be WIPED once I get home! My big plans for the weekend are to uninstall my air conditioner, tae kwon do class, a beer tasting and lunch with my mom.

The nights of non co-sleeping have trained Rasputin really well. He wakes me up every morning at 6AM. I open my door, he jumps on the bed and we snuggle for about an hour then I get up. When we do co-sleep, he is just as punctual. He has several favorite sleep spots: on my pillow, on the bed using my arm as a pillow, on my hip and in between my two pillows. He also gives me goodnight kisses - a lick on the nose and a human-like kiss. The way he wakes me up is meowing and he also presses my face with his paws (very carefully with no claws). I've also gotten into the habit of playing with him a lot in the evening so I can wear him out.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Movie Reactions

Over the last couple of weekends, I caught up on several movies via TiVo. Here are my reactions:

Trust the Man - 4 Assholes in the City

The Lake House - If you make a movie about time travel, please try to use logic. Posterboard and a marker could help.

World Trade Center - why did I watch this? 9/11 movies are like picking at a scab.

Slither - one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while. Good acting, funny script and decent gore.

Malice - surprisingly good thriller. When Nicole was still with Tom and had red curly hair.

Fallen - supernatural crack. Angels and demons always draw me in (i.e. The Prophecy).

The Prestige - many pretty men but needs a rewatch because I think I missed something since the movie doesn't make sense.

Tae Kwon Awful

Keeping up with the downward slide of yesterday, I had an especially awful Tae Kwon Do class. We ran through our green belt testing form, Ee Jan, as a class. I knew I was pretty shaky on the form but tried to flub my way through in the back row. Unfortunately, the Sabunim has eagle eyes. So, I had to run through the entire form with him teaching me step by step in front of the entire class. Then, I ran through the form myself twice still in front of the entire class. I felt okay for most of it but towards the end, I felt really humiliated and upset so I messed up a lot more.

After class, I spent some time sobbing in the bathroom. The weird thing is that I didn't mind being in front of people but I minded messing up in front of people. Also, I had a loop of thoughts going round my head like, "I just wasted my classmates' time since I didn't know my stuff." or "I'm the Tae Kwon Do charity case that shows people no matter how out of shape or uncoordinated you are, you can get your orange belt."

This morning is a totally other attitude. One of my co-workers/classmates told me that I did a good job that I held my own. She even told me that she was dreading that she'd be called up after me. So, now I feel a bit better and kind of proud that I got through it. At least I have fear to motivate me to be on my game!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Days of Awesomeness

Last night, my community chorus had the first rehearsal of the season. It was fun seeing everyone after a summer break. It was also fun getting compliments on my red hair. The music for the fall is a nice mix of hard, Rutter's Magnificat, and easy, show tunes. I also got a really nice compliment from a new member who was sitting next to me. She told me that she's going to stick to me like glue because I'm awesome (musically). I joked back about having onions before rehearsal. Another really cool thing happened as rehearsal was getting out. A lady remembered me from one temple class I took a year ago. I don't think I'm that memorable but I guess I am! When I got home, Rasputin tried to ruin the great night by having diarrhea dripping down his legs. I think he ate too much too fast for his kitty tummy because after I cleaned him off, he had no diarrhea issues afterwards.

Today, I had a great job interview which has given me a third job to get excited about. Also today, I found out that I am getting a full reimbursement for my rental car due to the July 13 accident! Folks, it's definitely worth it to talk to the supervisor if you aren't getting any service from a rep/worker.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Embarrassment of Riches: The Job Hunt

After a summer of virtually no interest in my job applications, I have been inundated lately. I had a follow-up interview to my Aug 30 company interview. This morning, I had a phone screen with a second company. The lady liked me so much, I have a 2 hour second interview scheduled this Friday! Tomorrow, I have an early interview and Wednesday afternoon I'm meeting with a staffing agency rep. Basically, I have an interview every day except Thursday, Rosh Hoshanah.

I really hope I get an offer from the first company. It looks like a challenging fun opportunity that requires many skills. The second company is pure data and analysis so it's less fun. I've made up a compare/contrast table for each company so I can pick easily if I receive multiple offers. Hopefully, all this activity means a new job in October!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Fairy Land, Populated by Insurance Agents

Remember July 13 aka the day that a woman changed lanes into me? I am STILL dealing with the fallout from the accident. It doesn't help that I wound up picking a corrupt auto body shop that took 3 times longer than my assessment said to repair my car. Yes, a job that should have taken 5 days, took 19.

It wasn't fun driving the rental around as the price tag kept going up. But what the hell? The other insurance will pay for it since it was the other driver's fault. Right? WRONG!

I just had a run-in with the single most inept insurance agent who declared, "It's not my job to call your insurance company." Well, how do insurance claims get resolved? Oh yes, asking a fairy godmother. On top of that inane statement, I am getting reimbursed for the time it should have taken to repair my car. I wish I could live in this mythical universe that this agency lives in.

Why is it my fault that the body shop took so damn long? Believe me, I called every day they went over the 5 days and I even asked if my car can be taken to another body shop. It couldn't. They even swindled more money out of my own insurance agency. Basically, I should not be paying a dime when the other driver is 100% at fault. Argh!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Cat Toy Review

After spending a nice chunk of change on cat toys, I thought a handy guide would be helpful to fellow cat owners.

Play-N-Squeak - one of the best toys out there. There are two other versions, bumble bee and ladybug. Rasputin loves these and carries them everywhere in the apt.

Fishy Fun - Rasputin uses these as pillows and sometimes chomps on them. Not worth the price but definitely worth the cuteness.

Feather balls - Rasputin has played with these once. The rattling doesn't intrigue him and the feathers go up his nose. Big thumbs down.

Laser - Rasputin loves playing with the laser. Unfortunately these things aren't that durable. Mine broke within 2 weeks.

Catnip mice - These are a great toy for any cat. I like the ones with leather tails. Rasputin adores these. I've found mice in my shoes, in the crevice between sofa cushions, and under every piece of furniture. They definitely get a workout! Plus, if your cat plays fetch, they're easy and fun to carry around. I've had a couple dropped at my feet.

Tunnel - this isn't regularly used but is a great prop for cat play. throwing a catnip mouse or jingle ball in the tunnel can set up hours of fun. I also like tipping it over when Rasputin is inside.

Fishing Rod - A++, amazing, lots of fun for cat and owner. This is how I tire Rasputin out at night. On the up side, the owner doesn't have to be home for the cat to enjoy this contraption. I set it up dangling off my coffee table with an atlas holding the rod down and Ras has tons of fun.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Lunch Bliss

There is a cafe in my office park. Sometimes they are fabulous and other times they are disgusting. It's completely hit or miss without any pattern. Sometimes a miss can make your stomach sorry for days.

Today, I had hands down the best lunch ever. Not best lunch for the cafe. The best lunch of my entire life. I had a chicken apple walnut salad with a side of honey glazed potatoes. Total calories: 550. You know that you're eating something good when it makes you hungrier. After I finished lunch, a nice feeling of happiness washed over me. Mmmm...

Meanwhile, I'm still struggling with getting my fiber intake up to recommended levels. I've heard about gnu bars and hopefully I'll be able to incorpprate them into my breakfast routine (since my routine now is skipping breakfast or stopping at Dunks).

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Welcome back everyone to a nice short work week! Ladies, I hope you packed up your white shoes. The weather was so gorgeous and I saw some leaves that had turned.

My weekend started off weirdly. I hit Gordon's for my weekend alcohol bounty after work Friday. When I got to my car, the parking spots are tight anyways and my car was close to the next one on the driver's side. So, my door tapped the next car as I loaded my purchases into the car. I heard a really loud honk but I couldn't figure out from where. As I got into my car and turned it on, a woman from the neighboring car got out and said, "Excuse me, you just hit my car really hard with your door." I watched her incredulously as she inspected her car for paint and took down my license plate number. She had one of those borg bluetooth things in her ear so obviously, her hearing wasn't 100%. I muttered, "Bitch." as I drove away. God, get a hobby or learn how to park between white lines! There was no paint because I TAPPED her car. I got home, played with Ras, drank, and watched "Zodiac". I don't think Robert Downey Jr. can make a bad movie nowadays.

Since it was the weekend, I decided to allow Rasputin to co-sleep. So, I was up at 6AM Saturday morning. I got a lot of shopping done for a baby shower gift and fall clothes. I love how sizes vary from store to store. In one store, I feel like a whale and in the other I'm a waif. I had a good store clerk and bad store clerk experience in the same store. I was buying a black suit jacket and this one clerk tried to talk me into buying the plum. I looked at her and told her, "I want the black." so she sighed and shook her head. She also bugged me about all the clothes that didn't fit me in my first changing room visit. Really made me feel special. At least the checkout clerk was pretty cool. I'm just getting comfortable with being chatty with strangers. So, each attempt is touch and go. My mom is an expert with retail chitchat. I just feel awkward and can't think of what to say.

Saturday BBC America also had a Dr. Who marathon so I finally caught up on the new series. It is pretty good! There are still cheesy aspects. Rasputin gets hypnotized by the theme song. I adore Christopher Eccleston (Shallow Grave and Jude sealed the deal for me).

Sunday was the baby shower down in CT. It was a lot of fun and I learned a bunch of baby shower games (melted candy in a diaper - ew). Learned yet sadly didn't win. Since I'm not a mom yet, some of the other mothers' conversations horrified me. The gifts were pretty awesome. I'm not a big fan of pink/blue gender division for babies. So, I'll probably pick green or yellow and have that be the baby color across the board. Hello, multiple uses for onesies and blankets!

Monday morning, Rasputin chomped on my nose to wake me up. Like a full on vice on my nostrils. That got him kicked out of my bedroom for a while! I've been feeding him Iams regularly with a couple different brands here and there to see if he likes them. This weekend, I discovered that he loves Friskies. It's the juices and fresh cuts that he devours. He's so funny when he waits for food. He does a dance that looks like Axl Rose. Rasputin also likes coconut and red peppers. I try to protect whatever I'm eating by saying, "No, human food." and guarding my plate but once I'm done, he can clean up. He also likes to bring toys into other rooms. As I was cleaning, I discovered he has built a fortress of chewed toys in one of his favorite spots, under an endtable in the livingroom. He's also emjoying the crinkly bag from Babies R'Us.